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This session happens offline, I will first do the akashic healing and quantum healing on your field, I will record it as audio, in this healing i use my toolkit for quantum healing, in some cases i will include in the audio body movement, breathwork, or nervous system work for you to do once i deliver the audio so that you can completely leave the debri. after that i will do distance healing through the holy spirit, then i will channel some messages about the healing and your new timeline or suggestions. You will receive an audio plus an email with what i received for you. expect to receive your healing in app one week.

This healing is exclusive for Leaving a situation of abuse: this is an exclusive, more affordable tier only for people that are in a situation of abuse and feel trapped, for example, being with an abusive partner, family, shelter and similar ones, after this you will be guided on how to leave that situation.

1:1 Abuse Holy Quantum Healing

$333.00 Regular Price
$250.00Sale Price
    galactic priestess
    Galactic Rose Temple™️
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    Legal Disclaimer: At no time should this services be considered as medical or financial advice, if you need psychological, medical, legal services you need to look for them where it corresponds.You are always responsible for your choices. No guarantees are given in any form. By purchasing my services and watching my free content you agree to this terms and conditions.

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