Galactic Priestess Mystery School
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Ready for being a bridge between humanity and the stars?
This is an ever gonig training, you can catch up at any moment, and have forever access, you are going to live as a priestess, doing rituals, ceremonies on your day to day, connected to the stars, you are going to feel confident about who you are (including starseed and priestess aspects) and about your mission on earth (as related with the pink rose), you are going to feel confident and taking the steps for your unique mission, you are going to feel held and deeply loved by HER.
By taking this training you are going to be initiated and ordained as a Galactic Priestess.
Click Aquí
Stars are the secret hidden in plain sight, when you understand them, you understand yourself and you understand life.
You can´t completely understand existence without a cosmology that involves the stars (beyond zodiacal signs, astrology, etc).
There is a reason why we look through the window at night and the thing that is most present is: stars.
This incarnation, this epoch is for us to work with the stars, there is a lot of working around planets or celestial bodies, but not a lot regarding the stars, at the same time, there is some information, but not experience, gnosis with the stars, and embodiment.
This incarnation is for understanding the stars, understanding through theory, and through direct embodiment, which are practices that pertain to a Galactic Priestess.
This is our main call as spiritual comunity, the New Age has distorted a lot of what we are supposed to learn, but I know that involving our masculine discernment, spiritual science and the feminine heart through the priestesses’ arts, always devoted to God, we are on the right track.
Galactic Priestess is a term that I channeled some time ago as I was reminded of what I have been doing in different planes and what I am embodying in this lifetime, which is an important part of my mission.
This is the first Galactic Priestess School and Training.
I have been running this training in spanish and I felt guided to share it also in english.
Throughout different eras and worlds galactic priestesses have been embodying the feminine mysteries, while aware of other star systems, dimensions and galactic beings.
Practicing ancient arts as ritual, devotion, cosmis rituals, galactic portals and more.
Being aware of our specific star origins and the dynamics of the universe we are on (not only the earth) helps us to understand our potential, mission and place, heaven on earth is possible for you, I know how is it like to feel your potential, your mission, but not being able to completely grasp it.
Complete Curriculum
~System of initiation for galactic priestesses following the one that was used in Atlantis~
Adapted to our current epoch and streams, the christ stream and God per enlightenment

Psychic Gifts
Galactic Chart
Starseed embodiment
Galactic Healing
Fixed Stars
Galactic History
Galactic Body Prayer
Et contact
Galactic "races"
Rose Lineage
Priestesses Arts
Rose Ritual
Divine Feminine
Galactic Priestesses Arts
Calculus of galactic portals
Reading star systems
Galactic Rituals
The Ankh
Lyran and Orion songs and movements
Plasma body
Magic with the stars
Rituals for day to day
Being a Galactic Priestess on your day to day
Your divine service
Priestess of Mohter Mary
Ordination Ceremony
~Month 1~
Temple of the self
~Month 2~
Arc of the covenant
~Month 3~
Temples of Venus
~Month 4~
Cathedral of
sacred heights
~Month 5~
Temple of
~Month 6~
Temple of the
Some of the arts that we will cover:
1) Discover your specific mission and get yourself ready to be of service doing what you love (galactic lineage self-knowledge, psychic abilities, akashic records).
2) Work with spiritual science, kundalini, merkaba dynamics, energy field.
3) Galactic arts for starseeds (group regressions, group experimentation, guided trips in consciousness with frequencies, ET contact, the practice of starseeds, information about interdimensional beings plus connecting with different galactic typologies experientially).
4) Priestess arts (rituals, divine feminine, pendulum, body practices, priestesses of the rose, Venus).
5) Galactic priestess (working with Isis, the Ankh, calculating galactic portals, galactic priestess rituals, group ceremonies, magic with stars, embodiment practices and movement prayer including Orion and Lyra, light language, dance and body prayer with different stellar beings, reading galactic lineages, thoroughly understanding your galactic chart, astral travel to star systems).
6) Integrate this into your day to day and not live in separation, always be your most authentic self.
7)I guide you through a lot of "extra" exercises as are Implant cleansing, quantum leaping, healings and more.
8)Priestess of Mother Mary, sacred scripture on the stars, the rosary, the christ stream, mysteries of immaculate conception, the white rose.
Some of the things that we are going to be experiencing in the years to come are:
-A boom in exopolitics and the need to discuss how we relate with ET´s
-A need for people that understand cosmology from the spiritual science perspective (and not only channelings or regressions that are ungrounded)
-A need for open hearted women that have experienced deep gnosis from the body regarding the stars
-A need for skilled galactic readers that can tell the galactic origins, but not only that, the implications of those origins, the DNA state, how stargates work
-A profound desire to honor the stars, our galactic origins, through rituals, ceremonies, understanding certain magical aspects of stars and more, all of this from the Christ consciousness and in oneness with God
All this knowledge is going to be extremely valuable, priceless; all golden civilizations know that galactic priestesses are important, those are services that people are going to be demanding for more and more.
Those things are already moving, the planets and stars have already been established as the main political theme for the years to come, we need people in the spiritual comunity aware of all of this, in the present moment, deepening on your connection with the stars is going to allow you to feel more confident about who you are, about your mission, how to use your specific gifts and psychic abilities, how to receive help from your cosmic family and specific councils that you work with, experience oneness with all, work with your kundalini and (for some people) experience oneness with God, heal from galactic and cosmic trauma and more that is going to be expressed as you living the life that you are meant to as a starseed, this is your start point if you want to serve humanity from the Cosmic, Galactic.
Stars are beautiful, they help us understanding ourselves and living a magical (and not boring) life, and also, are the main theme for society in the years to come, ET visitation is going to be one of the manipulation tools, this is real, masculine and feminine, spiritual and not.
We still have little time to prepare for this, that is why I am offering this training right now, everything starts with knowing ourselves at the galactic and cosmic level, then, relating with stars from the embodiment and also from the theoretical understanding.
Once you sign up, you are part of this forever! No need for more payments, you are going to be part of monthly ceremonies, receive the updates that I share on the platform and be part of the Galactic Priestesses Community.
*As the collective moves, this training Is also going to move, that means that, we are now learning what we can learn considering the state of the grids and what we need now, which is more personal, is about embodiment of the frequency of the stars, about ceremony, beauty, deep cosmic healing, our DNA, rituals, but in the future, I am going to teach what is needed, that could be exopolitics, specific techniques, upgrades regarding DNA dynamics, upgrades from stars and a lot more, that is yet to come.
**We are having calls on some days per month, we celebrate Galactic Portals together, and I teach some lessons live, there is not a fixed schedule for that, when you sign up for the training you receive immediate access to:
-All the content on the platform, that includes videos, PDFs, audios and more for the six modules plus bonuses, you receive all the content at the same time, so you can study it at your own rhythm. Though I am always adding more to the modules, modules on Priestess of Mother Mary are yet to come.
-Your Galactic Astrology Reading.
-Access to the 15D Cosmic Akashic Records certification.
-Invitation to the group calls (held via zoom).
-Access to all upgrades and new content that I might add to the platform in the future.
-Possibility of asking questions on the platform.
Download our

Galactic Priestess
Rituals (more than 10!)

Psychic Gifts Guidance

Magic with the stars

Celebration of Galactic Portals
(eg: alignment with Pleiades)

Ordination Ceremony as
Galactic Priestess

Kundalini Guidance
About Valeria

Bonuses Included:
Galactic Astrology Standard Reading (290 usd) or Guardian Astrology (222usd)
PLUS 15D Cosmic Akashic Records
Certification (444 usd)
Plus Psychic academy (299 usd) all for free!

-1 payment of 1200usd or
-3 payments of 450 usd
-6 payments of 250 usd
Enrollment is open
*If you choose 6 month or 3 month plan, you can ask for your free reading when the third month is paid, you will receive immediate access to all the material and the akashic records course.
(Discounted, regular price is 1600 usd)

Pillars of the training

The content more in detail & per module:
1) Merkaba, DNA, Kundalini, wings of Isis, psychic abilities, bilocation, telekinesis, third eye, clairvoyance.
2) Galactic altar, galactic history, galactic beings, recommended books, healing with the galactic, guardian royal stars, Lemuria and Atlantis.
3) Lineage of the rose, Venus, ceremony with the rose, initiation with the rose.
4) Galactic priestesses, Atlantis, Goddesses related to the galactic, the mystery of Maria.
5)About the ankh, galactic priestess tools.
6)Living in the temple day by day, money, creation and abundance, holding space.
Galactic Priestess Tools
Galactic Portal Calculation, Galactic Priestess Rituals, Use of the Ankh, Star/Astrological Magic, Akashic Star Records, Human Body Dimensions, Plasma Body, Astral travel to stars.
Sheets of galactic beings such as Eridanus, Hyades, Pleiades, etc.
10 galactic rituals and more to come.
Exercises we will cover: galactic regressions, quantum leap and creation, feminine gnosis, connection with Sophia and God, removal of implants, use of physical roses, exercises to identify stars, work with essential oils or miraphoras and the ankh, celebration of portals galactics, songs, light language, galactic movement in the body, galactic anatomy, among others.

"As soon as I knew that this course existed, my soul felt very connected to following the call to take it, within the entire experience and the months there, I felt very contained, protected and with a lot of light, I felt that I had arrived at the right place that my heart had told me. What I experienced within those months was a deep connection with my true essence, with my feminine part in balance with the masculine and above all with that galactic part that had caught my attention since I was a child.
Honestly, Valeria gave me the tools I need to continue this path called "Life" because her classes, her time invested and the knowledge she has given me have also brought me the reminder that I can be and that I have come to this life for that and to align myself with the line that best corresponds to my spirit. Every class session I had excited me and although sometimes I couldn't be there, I watched them on repeat and felt that connection, that guidance. The course has taught me to connect with beings with whom I never thought I would connect and who, like me, They were waiting for me. And if I can also say something, it is that this course has helped me feel that unconditional, divine love that is in everything. This course has been an investment for me, not only for a few months, but for a lifetime because after this, I was never the same again, I transformed but in a very real way and to finally remember who I was. I am very grateful and happy with this course and I highly recommend it, especially if you feel that calling, that" magnetism". Adriana Velasco

"My life changed by becoming a galactic priestess, my body feels like an oracle all the time, every day I embodied more of my unique essence in life, my gifts and talents became natural to me, Valeria helped me remember that I am different in a special and unique sense. It is so important to have a clear guide to know where we are going and what steps we must take to bring heaven to earth; as well as how to practice and allow ourselves to feel our cycles to live with more awareness. With love, Pao"Paola Barboza

Mother Mary is supporting this training
Mother Mary, a Divine Birth priestess and priestess of the stars:
-The 12 stars in the halo of Mary mean that she was embodying 12 DNA strands activated and had access to the 12 stargates, when you embody something for a while, that shows in your aura (for example, the golden halo of saints) and is the same with the 12 DNA strands activated, that is a symbol for 12 strands activated which means that 12 stargates could be accessed and the codes run.
- Divine birth priestesses were linked to the stars, they and their children had often names related to stars, aster, Astarte, cults of Inanna, cults of the white rose, they were calling in helpful starseeds, but not by sacred sexuality with a partner from the earth, it was by her own means, by specific techniques , like parthenogenesis but not only that, sometimes their divine counterpart participated helping from etheric planes, but not in the physical, they were trained for years in the temple.
- Parthenogenesis happened through rituals, those rituals involved self-pleasure, oneness with God, specific times of the day, specific alignments of the stars, star magic, astrological magic, the selection of dates was used to conceive a child (nowadays we use it to consecrate talismans, but was a practice of Priestess of the stars, and nothing from the devil) , this is something that I teach in the training as well.
-Mother Mary represents the feminine potential for ascension, creation, power of divine conception, DNA activation, purity and sovereignty, she is an ascended master and gifted us that potential, by working with her, her codes and white rose you are going to embody, more of your ascended master on earth, your priestess, star being (which is the ultimate goal in this incarnation that you embody your ascended master self which implies different things like twin flame union, oneness with God, your mission, siddhis, flow, organic ascension timeline).
-Earth´s grids are improving, we will have 12 DNA activation available, as the sphere of amenti came back, we need to be prepared to make the most of that, our bodies physical, energetic and more need preparation, you will learn those preparations here.
Some themes related to Mary: sailing with stars, white and pink rose, astrology and astrological magic, menstruation retention, divine immaculate conception, purification.
Priestess of Mother Mary is going to be offered as ordination in times to come as Priestess of mother mary training, which is part of the Galactic Priestess Training, if you join this training, you will have access to all future teachings from Mary! The perfect blend of sacred feminine teachings and deep spiritual science.
(I am not teaching immaculate conception for child conception, but other techniques for this epoch!)
Why Galactic Priestesses?
This is an excerpt from one of our ceremonies together
Isis-Sophia (the divine feminine) can only be found in the Cosmos. // The Isis Cosmic Ritual that humanity is part of
We have lost Isis in this epoch; Lucifer killed her and moved her out into the cosmic spaces. He sank her in the cosmic ocean, she is there, where constellations are.
In ancient Egypt, Ahriman (as Set) cut Osiris into pieces, Osiris was sunk in the Nile (the earth), then Isis found him, but Ahriman cut him and separated him in too many specific pieces (the risk of the Ahrimanic stream), then, Isis buries them on the earth so that the masculine, the solar (Osiris) can be present again in the lunar epoch.
Lucifer did not cut Isis, he moved her into the Cosmos, she is scattered in the cosmos, we have to find her there, the threat of Lucifer is to dissolve her, to blend too far her expressions, abstraction is the risk (the opposite of separating in too many pieces), we must find her in the cosmos and what we find, we must impregnated in the cosmos, so that Isis, the lunar (the divine feminine) comes back to the solar epoch.
Our risk is to NOT be able to discern what is in the cosmos and the different impulses (stars, celestial bodies, skipping the era of Cosmic Discernment).
Once we have found Isis, we must learn how to put out into the universe what we are able to penetrate.
We must understand Isis from the Cosmic perspective (stars) and understand them from within.
Go search Isis out in the Cosmos, bring her back, in the way you find her to your inner self, develop an inner cosmos, and place that in the outer cosmos.
We must put what the stars reveal to us through our inner cosmos into the cosmos again, so that the cosmos is alive again and we understand how the stars are more than lights.
We need the Stars in order to find her, and we need her in order to understand the stars.
The Stars are full of distortions, stories of wars, but she, as Isis, Sophia, Mary purifies them, so that we can create something beautiful through them, through ritual.
What mainstream science says:
“Constellations have imaginary boundaries formed by "connecting the dots" and all the stars within those boundaries are labeled with the name of that constellation. However, keep in mind that constellations are not real objects; they are just patterns as seen from our observation point on Earth.”
Plus, the pollution of the cosmos through inorganic satellites, so that we can´t find Isis.
Denying people of the true understanding of what constellations are, plus contaminating our outer cosmos as an expression of the collective inner cosmos…
They understand this ritual very well, they are trying to dissolve Isis, this is the main ritual that humanity is part of in this epoch.
All we do on earth is of a ritualistic nature, the Galactic Priestess Training is part of a ritual, the ritual to recover the divine feminine, the holy Isis-Sophia wisdom, to bring her back to the solar epoch in the way God wants to, for the feminine must permeate the Christ, so that the Christ reveals its deepest meaning to us.
We are doing this for each of us and for humanity
“Isis-Sophia Wisdom of God, Lucifer has slain her. And on wings of cosmic forces carried her away into the depths of space. Christ-Will Working in us Shall tear her from Lucifer and on grounds of spiritual knowledge. Call to the new life in human souls Isis-Sophia Wisdom of God.” Rudolf Steiner
Client Testimonial
Testimonial of the Training + 15D Cosmic Akashic Records reading
Free playlist: Mysteries of the Stars on my youtube channel
1)Is this training only for women?
This is for humans that are (or want to be) devoted to the feminine, to HER, and embody more of the feminine and galactic aspects. While other aspects of the rose work specifically with the feminine anatomy, this one is focused on the light body and plasma body, that means that we are working with kundalini, merkaba, and other aspects that we can all work.
2)When can I join the training?
At the moment you can join at any time, the sooner you enter, the sooner you will start to be part of galactic rituals and celebrations, you will receive a Galactic Reading and start with your 15D Cosmic Akashic Records certification.
3)I’m already a Priestess. What more will this training give me?
There are many Priestess lineages that exist on the planet today, and many of them are born from a deep remembrance rather than a need for any training, this is the case of this training! This works with deeply specific galactic rituals, and understands that you are a priestess, but you are also a starseed, you need to understand yourself from a galactic perspective, you have wounds that come from galactic lives, that is why you resonate with starseeds, and you have gifts that you can retrieve by the specific galactic connection, maybe the galactic part makes you feel curious, but with a bit of resistance, that is your sign! the galactic arts are calling you.
4) Do I need to be already initiated as a priestess of the Rose Lineage to join?
You are welcome if this is your first time with the Rose lineage, and if you are already initiated, I am holding the frequency fom the Rose Lineage, which means that SHE is going to call you when you are ready, maybe you needed another training before this one, or maybe this one is the only one you need to start your connection, trust her guidance. We work here with Isis, with Venus, Mother Mary and you will receive the messages and activations at the level that you are ready for, and that can change through time.
5)I have been working with my starseed aspect and the galactic for a while now, how is this going to help me?
I wish every starseed could understand how important the feminine arts are, we need to move the galactic arts from the third eye and the mental energy to the rest of the body! if you don´t do that, then you are not really embodying your starseed aspects, your pleiadian, arcturian, etc aspects. Here you are going to practice specific rituals, celebrate the galactic portals, practice galactic body prayer, chants, light language, heal with the galactic, hold space, work with the rose and so much more, you are going to realise after the training how different is it to approach the galactic from reading about galactic history vs embodying the history and connecting with the mystery and stories that are on YOUR BODY.
Starseeds often feel ungrounded and unable to feel at home, when you connect to HER, she helps you feel home on the earth and ground yourself (without losing your starseed magic).
6)I feel some resistance toward the part of spiritual science, what do you mean by that? which spiritual science do you follow?
When it comes to the Galactic Priestesses Arts, I can´t avoid working with spiritual science, spiritual science was one of the basics on Atlantean schools, spiritual science helps you understand how your bodies actually work, what is a light body, plasma body, etc beyond woo-woo terms, about dimensions, about what does it actually mean that you are a pleiadian on X dimension, how to regulate your merkaba and have energy, how to feel good and be able to live the life of your dreams and so much more, I have learned from different spiritual science currents and I have found that are distorted in certain aspects. My main resonance comes to the Guardian Material, and comes from my connection with the Guardians and my knowledge as some of my aspects are teaching right now about this on other planes.
If you resonate with other currents (ie kabbalah) but you are open to learn something new, you are welcome.
If you know nothing about spiritual science, no worries! you are welcome, you deserve this knowledge, the school is free from judgments, you are worthy right now of this ordination.
7)What will I get with this training?
You are going to connect and be iniciated by the Rose Lineage, you are going to learn more about your galactic origins, new galactic rituals and devotional practices, you will know what else you can do with the knowing of your galactic origins, you will feel more secure when it comes to spiritual science and your energetics and body, discernment, you are going to be more connected with source and feeling oneness, you will gain a lot of clarity about your specific mission and the next steps (this school degrees on this, though is not our main focus, but everyone has experienced this), you will have a new tool for your service to others (Cosmic Akashic Records) and much more surprises.
8)Which "deities" do you work with?
I have experienced signing for a traning and then the person that is holding the space did not tell that she was going to work with X being in the school, so yes, I am happy to be clear right now, I love discernment, I work in the school with Venus, Isis, The Guardians, Mother Mary, a Council from Atlantis and mostly collectives from Lyra and Andromeda (though we celebrate portals of different galactic beings, but they are holding the space mostly), I understand the Cosmic Father and Earthly Mother as forces that we work with, all this in connection to God, I relate 1:1 to God and that is the basis of this training, God always goes first.
9) I am not sure if I have time for this right now...
You will always have access to the recordings, though I highly suggest you try to be live as beautiful sisterhood and friendship sometimes come through the sessions, we also have telegram private groups.
You have lifelong access to the content on the platform so no worries, you can catch with the content later, you don´t have homework for certification, though I sometimes suggest exercises, ceremonies for you to do, always trust your own rythm, this training adapts to you, we are holding great space, you don´t need to adapt to the training, things always fall into place somehow, no pressure.
10)Are we working with all the roses (red, pink, white, black, etc)?
In this training we work mostly with the pink rose! I have learned through my experience that it is a really good idea to work with each rose separately and get to really embody it! the pink rose is all about retrieving our gifts and embodying our mission on earth (which I have seen amazing results with in the school), it is also about the heart chakra, living from the heart and grounded sovereignty. We are also working with the white rose, relate to immaculate conception, the stars and Mother Mary. We are not working with other roses in this training.
11)Is this a certification in astrology?
I am going to give you your galactic astrology report, teach you how to work with it and how to use it for some rituals, but this is not a certification in astrology, galactic astrology, astrology for starseeds, etc. Though this training is a pre-requisite for my soon to come certification in astrology by the Guardians.
12) I feel resistance toward working with goddesses or deities, I want to be in my sovereignty.
There is a difference between practicing devotion and placing a being abobe you or in a pedestal, we practice devotion, offerings because we love HER, we are expressing our love through some of our time and physical self, that does not mean that we can´t connect to source directly.
A priestess understands that source/God express itself through deities, nature, goddesses, etc.
Sometimes, we are priestesses of Isis, Mary, Inanna, and so on, we have worked on their temples, we love them, and at the same time, we are embodying them in this lifetime, we are the Magdalene, we are the Inannas and so on.
You connecting with a specific being does not mean that you are making it bigger than you.
I live my day to day in devotion to God, I ask God for guidance, I know God commands every other being, including Mother Mary, I still am devotee to Mother Mary, and like to work with other expressions of the feminine for integration.
Frequently Asked Questions
Stars have been honored over time, they have inspired poetry, guided paths, used in sailing and navigation, for wishing on wishing stars, they are a source of inspiration, but they also are emiting light, information, frequencies from other times.
I am so glad your heart guided you here, if you have any question please reach out to valeriabustosoficial@gmail.com
Thanks for being on earth now <3