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Want to align to your highest timeline? Make the best choices while following God´s will at the same time that you are choosing what´s best for your soul and not being a martyr? This is all you need!
This if for you if:
-You want something, have a vision, but are not sure if it is coming from God, or your ego
-Want something and want to align with it without forcing it, this is alignment, not chasing or manifesting 
-Feel like God does not want for you what your soul craves (aka you have been in a martyr state of being) 
-Are ready to align to your highest timeline!
-Do not want to lose yourself in the 3d veil full of false inorganic timelines for your life
-Have been very close to align with what you want, but some blockeages remain
-You self sabotage when you are almost there, almost aligned with what you want, you dont jump completely
-Feel guilty about your desires or about having desires
-Know you deserve heaven on Earth! 
-Want to know which is YOUR DESIRE which might be different from collective ideas of that (like living in Bali)

Align is for: people of God, people that uses discernment, people that work with the occult/esoteric arts, people kundalini awakened in the path of ascension <3 , beings who want to live their dream life without guilt, following Gods will, don’t particularly resonate with woo woo manifestation techniques based on ego or ignorance of the energeteic body, advanced spiritual people who struggles with "manifestation"

This Course includes informative videos + practical exercises 

At the end of this course you will: Know what you want to align with, your highest timeline, know what your soul craves and God supports, and be aligned with that! it is often a matter of weeks to see results in your physical reality, even less, it depends on how many blockages you have to align with that, nothing more, nothing less. 
How we do this?

4 modules

  1. You have to feel safe with your desire, that God is supporting it, and it something that brings you joy and in soul alignment

  2. We are doing fun inner work here, I share 4 techniques that I have used and work in a fantastic way

  3. What happens after you did the techniques to align with a new timeline or a desire? Well, here I ´ve got you, I will share what to do in the in-between, how things move, what to expect, traps to avoid, how to avoid self-sabotage and more.

  4. Extra support? Activations and quantum healings that I know you will want when working through the modules!

As you can see, my goal is to lead you in a direct way from your current reality, into your new timeline, new desire, this is 100% possible when you are aligned with your soul, with God, free from blockages, apply certain techniques and understand what happens in between timelines so that you don´t sabotage yourself! (This last point is the most important in my perspective)

The amount of time required to shift timelines will vary depending on how many blockages you have regarding something, you want to be gentle with yourself, in my experience, in 3 weeks you can easily start to see shifts! In 3 months, you can easily be living a complete new reality.

Free introductory video from the course
"If you have a desire that is aligned with God and your soul, that is available for you right now, you only need alignment" Val
Your investment: 450 usd
Early bird until July 22
Modules in detail:


-God, your soul and your desire

-The voice of God vs the voice of your ego vs the voice of your soul

-4 steps to align with your desire/timeline (the foundation)

-Divine timing is divine alignment!

Practical techniques for alignment

-The 3 main blockages

-Giving it the white

-Down grounding through the energetic centers

-Energetic centers mastery


A new timeline

-Navigating timeline shifting, choices, movement

-Understanding what happens when we align with a new timeline and how to avoid self-sabotage

-Dealing with the in-between time

-Bonus: yoni egg timeline jumping sacred ritual


Example how to work with all together


Activations and holy quantum healings

-Clearing martyrdom imprints from your sacral

-Releasing the 3 main blockages

-Replace chasing for attracting magnetically

-Collapsing timelines different from your heaven on earth timeline

*No refunds are offered

My name is Valeria (Val), truth is that I never resonated that much with the law of attraction, it felt full of ego, so, I went all in with my process of enlightenment, following God´s guidance.

I realized I had desires, like living from my spiritual biz, having time for spiritual research, traveling, creating the Galactic Priestess School and I felt that was my soul´s plan, I knew I wanted that, but was full of guilt, I experienced deep blockages regarding martyrdom, feeling like God was never going to support my desires, I had to heal all that deeply, and learn to follow my (purified) soul and (purified) desires, now I feel at peace, I know what God wants for me, same as what is aligned with my soul, and I am not "manifesting" from ego, or ignoring God and my highest calling, while live my dreams in joy instead of sacrificing myself.
Dear Advanced soul: I promise God guided you here and you are ready to align with something that is very dear to your heart. Consider this your miracle: you are aligned enough to have access to this course in your field!
1) Is this for me? I am not sure if I am advanced enough or kundalini awakened...
Yes, this is for you, if you are not living your heaven on Earth that means traditional manifestation is not working for you, or that you are ready for the path of ALIGNMENT, which is the path that God calls us to follow, so, this is for you even if you are not aware of what is kundalini awakening just because God wants you to use this method for your heaven on earth.

2) Is this for me? I do not know how to connect with God...
Yes, this course includes quantum healings that are going to help you release those blockages, keep in mind that my quantum healings and activations come from the holy spirit and I will teach you how to discern the voice of God, also, working with your heart chakra is highly important to discern the voice of God, feel free to use my free content for that and/or ask for a 1:1 energy healing with me for your heart chakra with the holy spirit! (I offer a discount for souls in this course) 

3) Will this work for me?
What I teach in ALIGN is what I learnt from my process of ascension, I explain ascension in the course as well because when you understand ascension you understand how to align, ascension is universal, this means, the principles in this course are meant to work for everyone, this is completely God guided in easy to follow steps, I have worked myself with this process having deep blockages like the torture wound and imprint plus huge martyrdom imprints, so, trust me, this will work for you! wherever you are right now, whatever is blocking you, whatever you are experiencing.

4) I am not sure if I have the time to watch the videos
I promise the videos are so fun and direct to the grain that you will devour them in one afternoon! Besides that, it is enough if you have app 20 minutes before going to sleep to listen to one activation or exercise, I include 4 exercises and 5 activations. The more we invest our energy in something the faster we have results! Why not making your heaven on earth a priority?
5) Why should I trust this course?
This course comes from what I have learned in the process towards enlightenment, considering my kundalini awakening and the great purification, I learned all this by experience, not following someone else's steps, I had to be sure of what God's will was, what was what I wanted, how much my martyr's wound had an influence, this for example meant experiencing attacks in the house where I was living and seeing myself totally alone and without support in that situation, and believing that I had to stay there because God wanted it that way, at the same time By offering this course I am probably saving you years of not living your desires and painful experiences or unnecessary trauma, thanks to the fact that I lived my ascension/purification/hell process very consciously taking note of everything that happened and experienced.

6) What is the difference between alignment and techniques like manifestation or using the law of attraction or law of assumption?
Manifestation places the attention outside of you as if you are looking for someone or something external that you don’t have, alignment recognizes that all soul´s desires by God are already available , you just need to remove blockages, it is first to remove blockages to God, then all else including money, creativity, and your desires. This is a more feminine approach which considers God (you don´t want to hurt your soul, do you?), and allows you to have fun in the process, by attracting from your energy instead of always chasing on the hypermasculine way, that at least for me is exhausting, boring and feels off. This also considers the energetic centers, people in the path of enlightenment or oneness with God must consider the energetic centers, law of assumption for example is super mental.

7) Why do I need to work in order to ALIGN? Should not things just come? 
If, for example, you watch tarot readings that say something good will happen, that never happens, that’s only lack of alignment! You are aligning and if you get too comfortable with that prediction and don’t continue doing the alignment work then is like that prediction remains always in the future, with align you are going to grab your future dream into the present moment so that you can experience it now, be have to be a match with that timeline or desire and that is our job.

8) What are quantum activations?
I use holy quantum healing, this is healing coming from the holy spirit (like reiki, but different) plus tones , called light language by some, that affect directly your DNA and akashic records.

galactic priestess
Galactic Rose Temple™️
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Legal Disclaimer: At no time should this services be considered as medical or financial advice, if you need psychological, medical, legal services you need to look for them where it corresponds.You are always responsible for your choices. No guarantees are given in any form. By purchasing my services and watching my free content you agree to this terms and conditions.

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