About me and this temple
Some time ago I remembered that I used to serve as a galactic priestess in some of my lives, first during the golden age of Atlantis, and then, I remembered I was also doing this while I was incarnated in Andromeda (Almach and Mirach) . From Almach I was able to see and receive rose frequencies from the cosmic rose
(the rose of galaxies/ arp 273) I was helping beings with knowing and connecting with other versions of them in 15 dimensions, and, then i was guided to create this space that I call an online temple, and also, a school (not ready yet).
This is a space for us to remember more about galactic origins, beings from another dimensions and star systems and to use our discernment, also to learn more about priestesses arts, kundalini awakening, twin flames, spiritual science, light language and discernment.
While creating this beautiful space I have been helped by andromedan and lyran councils, also Mary Magdalene and Yeshua.
If you are curious about my own galactic origins, starseed lineages, my most ancient origin is Lyra (Nebula & Aramatena), other relevant places where I incarnated for long times include: Andromeda, Arcturus, Hyades, Regulus and Hadar.
My passion is to help people to completely align with their blueprint, to embody soul, oversoul and avatar self, and follow their life purpose with ease and grace, because when you aligned, all becomes peaceful. All the services I offer here are the ones that have helped me with that: starseed galactic origin readings with astrology and soul records, twin flame soul records, light language, quantum hypnosis, breathwork and energy balance.
Discover your unique galactic history with a galactic astrology reading!
More about me!
I am a certified priestess of the rose, water priestess and almost priestess of Mary Magdalene.
Also a breath coach, Beyond quantum healing practitioner,
My favorite tools are working with light language, breathwork and my womb.
I love to find a balance between reading and taking courses with, also, using my own intuition and letting spirit (shekinah) come through me.
What I share is channeled by me, based in my own experience and awakenings, and also from some specific materials that I resonate with.
My first spiritual awakening was in 2012 after a good amount of pain and loneliness.
After that, I have experienced an heart chakra awakening, kundalini awakening, divine feminine awakening and some other interesting experiences, and, step by step I have been aligning myself with the life I want.
I serve the Emerald Order and Councils of Andromeda.

More about galactic priestesses
Galactic priestesses come from the rose lineage, specifically, the pink rose lineage and, although we associate this more with Venus, it comes from ancient Andromedan wisdom, Andromedan is, in essence, a divine feminine expression of galaxy.
I fact, even Ptolemy talked about Andromeda and Venus having similar qualities!